Islam: When the people then begin to commit adultery, consume alcohol and use musical instruments, Allah becomes enraged in the heavens and orders the Earth to shake them. If they repent and refrain, then it is good for them, otherwise Allah will cause it to fall upon them.
Jewish and Christians: God sent earthquakes to punish the wicked. The sixtieth psalm in the Old Testament reads: “Thou hast made the earth to tremble; thou hast broken it...”
The ancient Greeks: God Atlas lost a war against Zeus, the king of the gods. Zeus condemned Atlas to bear the Earth on his shoulders. To ease this burden, Atlas sometimes shifted the world from one shoulder to the other. When he did so, the Earth shook.
People in China: The Great Dragon, who lived deep inside the Earth, shook the ground when annoyed.
Old Russian tales: Giant god traveled through the snow-covered fields by dogsled. The ground shook whenever the dogs scratched at their fleas.
Japanese: Earthquakes were said to be caused by sudden movements of the a Giant Catfish who carried the world on its back.
Hindus: The Hindus believed that earthquakes were caused by one of the eight elephants that supposedly held up the earth.
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